DESIGN &PHOTOGRAPHYHI, MY NAME IS JOHN AND I LOVEMY PORTFOLIOSOME OF MY BEST WORKDS Như NgọcPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYTình yêu biến những điều vô nghĩa của cuộc đời thành những gì có ý nghĩa, làm cho những bất hạnh trở thành hạnh phúc.DS QUỲNH MAIPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS Mỹ UyênPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS NGOC HUYỀNPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYDUOC SĨ THẢOPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWDUOC SĨ LINHPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS HỒNG ÂN PHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWCuộc sống đầy ắp những việc không như ý, chúng ta chẳng thể nào né tránh. Điều duy nhất có thể làm là thay đổi góc nhìn về nó.ZANE DEAN PHARM.PHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWCuộc sống đầy ắp những việc không như ý, chúng ta chẳng thể nào né tránh. Điều duy nhất có thể làm là thay đổi góc nhìn về nó.FEMME FATALEPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWAnd I always had this idea for making a movie about a femme fatale, because I like these characters.
They're a lot of fun, they're sexy, they're manipulative, they're dangerous.DESIGN &PHOTOGRAPHYHI, MY NAME IS JOHN AND I LOVEMY PORTFOLIOSOME OF MY BEST WORKWHAT I DOPHOTOGRAPHY
DESIGNHIRE MEPhotography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever...
it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.PORTRAITS + WEDDINGS + FAMILY
0800 987654
Monday - Saturday 07:30 - 22:30The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.AND GET REALCITY SKYLINEPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWWhen you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.LAZY DOGPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWThe dog can only become what's in your bubble. The dog is imitating the energy that is in your bubble. You are the source, the feast of energy. If you feel anxious, the dog becomes anxious with you. If you become nervous, the dog wakes up nervous with you.RED BEAUTYPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWThe beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.SCOOTERPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWWhen I hit 16, I got a scooter to ride to school. It was bright pink, and I saw on the ownership papers that Jonathan Ross once owned it. My friends slated me for it because of the colour, but it was cool. My father used to ride, and my mother's boyfriend has a bike, so we're a bit of a biker family.FLUFFY CATPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWI like cats a lot. I've always liked cats. They're great company. When they eat, they always leave a little bit at the bottom of the bowl. A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit. It's like an offering.INTROMY PORTFOLIOABOUT MECONTACT
DESIGN &PHOTOGRAPHYHI, MY NAME IS JOHN AND I LOVEMY PORTFOLIOSOME OF MY BEST WORKFEMME FATALEPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWAnd I always had this idea for making a movie about a femme fatale, because I like these characters.
They're a lot of fun, they're sexy, they're manipulative, they're dangerous.CITY SKYLINEPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWWhen you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.LAZY DOGPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWThe dog can only become what's in your bubble. The dog is imitating the energy that is in your bubble. You are the source, the feast of energy. If you feel anxious, the dog becomes anxious with you. If you become nervous, the dog wakes up nervous with you.RED BEAUTYPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWThe beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.SCOOTERPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWWhen I hit 16, I got a scooter to ride to school. It was bright pink, and I saw on the ownership papers that Jonathan Ross once owned it. My friends slated me for it because of the colour, but it was cool. My father used to ride, and my mother's boyfriend has a bike, so we're a bit of a biker family.FLUFFY CATPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWI like cats a lot. I've always liked cats. They're great company. When they eat, they always leave a little bit at the bottom of the bowl. A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit. It's like an offering.WHAT I DOPHOTOGRAPHY
DESIGNHIRE MEPhotography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever...
it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.PORTRAITS + WEDDINGS + FAMILY
0800 987654
Monday - Saturday 07:30 - 22:30The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.AND GET REALDESIGN &PHOTOGRAPHYHI, MY NAME IS JOHN AND I LOVEMY PORTFOLIOSOME OF MY BEST WORKDS Như NgọcPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYTình yêu biến những điều vô nghĩa của cuộc đời thành những gì có ý nghĩa, làm cho những bất hạnh trở thành hạnh phúc.DS QUỲNH MAIPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS Mỹ UyênPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS NGOC HUYỀNPHOTOGRAPHYVIEW GALLERYDUOC SĨ THẢOPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWZANE DEAN PHARM.PHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWCuộc sống đầy ắp những việc không như ý, chúng ta chẳng thể nào né tránh. Điều duy nhất có thể làm là thay đổi góc nhìn về nó.DUOC SĨ LINHPHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWĐiểm yếu khi ta còn trẻ là dễ mắc những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bù lại, chúng ta có sức sống mạnh mẽ. Dễ dàng hỏi phục và vươn lên.DS HỒNG ÂN PHOTOGRAPHYBACK TO OVERVIEWCuộc sống đầy ắp những việc không như ý, chúng ta chẳng thể nào né tránh. Điều duy nhất có thể làm là thay đổi góc nhìn về nó.INTROMY PORTFOLIOABOUT MECONTACT